Flight Simulator Scenario Generator

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On Takeoff

Takeoff Type: Short Field
Take off with short field technique, usually involving flaps and maintaining Vx until over a 50’ obstacle.

In The Air

Ground Reference Maneuver: S Turns
Clear the area. Identify a line to perform S-Turns on. Fly a series of constant-radius S-Turns along the reference line.
Performance Maneuver: Slow Flight
Clear the area. Slow the airplane down as if approaching for landing. Maintain heading and altitude at lowest safe speed. Execute a turn to another heading while in slow flight.
Navigation Practice: Fly Along VOR Radial
Using your sectional, identify a nearby VOR. Identify it. Pick a radial, and naviate either TO or FROM your VOR. Consider switching from one radial to another.
Emergency Practice: Emergency Decent
Clear the area. Slow down. Add Drag. Push the nose down to VFE. Circle to stay within the area. Straighten out, clean up the airplane.

On Approach

Landing Type: Normal | Go Around
Establish an approach, and execute a go around once landing is assured. Perform the indicated landing procedure after.
Land with the standard landing procedure.