Flight Simulator Scenario Generator

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On Takeoff

Takeoff Type: Short Field
Take off with short field technique, usually involving flaps and maintaining Vx until over a 50’ obstacle.

In The Air

Ground Reference Maneuver: Turns Around a Point
Clear the area. Identify a point to navigate around. Enter at a downwind entry point, usually left downwind. Roll into the turn, and keep a constant radius around the reference point. Navigate around the point twice. Exit at the downwind leg you entered at.
Performance Maneuver: Power On Stall
Clear the area. Slow the airplane down near stall speed. Apply full throttle and bank up as if rotating for takeoff. Continue to incrase your angle of attack until you induce a stall. Recover.
Navigation Practice: Determine Your VOR Radial Location
Using your sectional, identify a nearby VOR. Identify it. Then identify which radial you are on.
Emergency Practice: Engine Failure
Clear the area. Perform the engine failure checklist your CFI had you memorize. For Example: Convert to Best Glide Airspeed. Identify best field to land in. Simulate Squawk 7700 and simulate mayday call to ATC. Simulate attempt to restart the engine. Prepare the aircraft for force landing.

On Approach

Landing Type: Normal | Go Around
Establish an approach, and execute a go around once landing is assured. Perform the indicated landing procedure after.
Land with the standard landing procedure.