Flight Simulator Scenario Generator

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On Takeoff

Takeoff Type: Normal
Take off with the standard takeoff procedure for your aircraft.

In The Air

Ground Reference Maneuver: Rectangular Course
Clear the area. Identify a line to perform the rectangular course on. Enter downwind. Perform the Downwind, Base, Upwind, and Corsswind legs twice.
Performance Maneuver: Power Off Stall
Clear the area. Slow the airplane down as if approaching for landing. Initiate a decent. Retard the throttle, then bank up to induce a stall. Recover.
Navigation Practice: Determine Your VOR Radial Location
Using your sectional, identify a nearby VOR. Identify it. Then identify which radial you are on.
Emergency Practice: Emergency Decent
Clear the area. Slow down. Add Drag. Push the nose down to VFE. Circle to stay within the area. Straighten out, clean up the airplane.

On Approach

Landing Type: Soft Field | Touch and Go
Execute a touch-and-go, followed by the indicated landing procedure.
Land while keeping your nose wheel off the field for as long as possible, and reduce the pressure on the nose gear at all times.